Monday, June 28, 2010

Unboxing new Motorola Droid X

The new Motorola Droid X is a powerful smartphone.

Motorola’s chief executive Sanjay Jha said that was because Motorola is trying to be environmentally friend by using 65% recycled packaging along with a small box and minimal printed matter.

Here is what you will get on July 15th for $299.99(minus a $100 mail-in rebate), a huge smartphone that rivals the EVO 4G in a small box along with a power adapter. A MicroUSB cable and instruction manual. The Droid X doesn’t include headphones and the 16 GB SanDisk memory card will come pre-installed. That is larger than the 8GB SanDisk memory card that came with the EVO 4G. Available accessories will include a home dock, car dock, HDMI cable and 32GB memory card, which you will have to buy separately.

For more info check out my unboxing slideshow coming soon..

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